The main topic of my blog is the Social Media Generation. I've done a lot of research on my topic from how social media affects Generation Z in school, work, or in public places, to how it has changed throughout the years. My opinion at the beginning of my research process was that social media was kind of a distraction to us, but as I learned more about my topic, my opinion began to change. It amazes me how much social media has changed our lives, and how it can have a positive impact on kids and teens. I enjoyed working on this topic, and I hope that you would learn a few things from my posts.
The Social Media Generation
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Social Media Generation
Free Post #3
The video shows how social media could be uses as a way to make new friends, for career opportunities, and also for relationships. Teens use social media more than adults do, and some even use it as a way to get to know new people, and hopefully find love. Some relay on social media to look for jobs, and some employers use social media as a way to get a glimpse on what their employee is like, some workers get fired from jobs because of what they have posted on social networking sites about their boss or their company. With the advancement of technology it won’t surprise me if in the next year or so we would all be relying on social media as a way to communicate with each other, because almost everything can be found on social media.
The Generation Born in the Digital Age
Bibliographic Post #5
Moodie, G. (2015, February 11). Generation Z: Born in the digital age with so much FOMO. Retrieved April 14, 2015, from
Social Media has changed our lives. Generation Z is the generation born into the digital age. They do everything and anything online, they get all the latest trends from social media and their vocabulary is filled with world that older generations can’t comprehend. They find it easier to talk to their friends online through the form of instant messaging instead of talking to them in person, and are on dating websites by the age of 16, sometimes even before they are 16. With the help of social media teens have self educated themselves and learned a lot of new things from videos on youtube. Generation Z live in the constant fear of missing out or “FOMO” as it’s called, they always want to be updated with the latest news and trends and can’t stand being kept out of the loop. Facebook has been the main go to website for them, while Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Tumblr are used as well. They also make video blogs and post them on Youtube or Vine in hopes of becoming “The Next Big Thing.” The future of this generation however is that they share the same goal as every other generation, and that is to change the world, which a quarter of american teens are already doing.
A Faster Way of Communication
Bibliographic Post #4
Deivasigamani, S. (2013, September 12). The generation of social media. Retrieved April 14, 2015, from
The article written by Princeton University student Shruthi Deivasigamani is about how social media has defined us in different ways. We are the social media generation, and our obsession with social media says a lot about who we are, thus allowing us to communicate in ways differently than our parent’s. Skeptics think that social media are just clusters of websites that take up too much of a teen’s time, however, it represents a newer form of communication that is different from sending an email or a text message. It is a much faster form of communication because with social media one status update could be seen instantly by your friends who you haven’t talked to in a while, you could also see countless pictures from family members all over the world. With social media you could feel in the loop with what is happening in your friends and family's lives, and can also be a way for people to know what is happening in their community. The social media revolution is a reflection of how we interact with others through the different form of technology that is available for us to use.
We're Already Zombies
I find this picture interesting because we are already zombies with our smartphones and all these social media sites. The picture depicts how people, mostly teens, rely on social media so often that it has been a part of their daily lives. When we wake up, we automatically check our phones for new notifications we got while we were asleep, we use our phones at the dinning table while we eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner, we use it wherever we go that it makes us seem like zombies or slaves to our phones. If zombies in movies depend on flesh and brains to stay alive, social media zombies depend on their phones to keep them going.
Think Before You Post
Bibliographic post #3
Eduque, A. (2015, March 6). The Social Media Generation. Manila Bulletin Retrieved April 14, 2015 from,
Alex Eduque writes about social media and how we use it in our day to day lives. His purpose for writing the article is to inform us that we are privileged to have social media accounts
, but with privilege comes responsibility. We must be mindful about what we post online because we are placing it on a platform for the whole world to see. Everyone has feelings so we should also be mindful about what we tell people when we talk to them, whether it be through text messages, commenting on a Facebook post, or even tweeting about them on Twitter. Our generation is blessed to have the entertainment and knowledge we attain through the form of social media, however, we should think wisely before posting anything and we should not abuse the right we have to access these social networking accounts, because the world is round, and eventually everything will come right back to you. The article would be a good article for people to read because it will make them think twice before posting whatever it is they want to post.

Monday, April 13, 2015
Teens Take to Social Media to Bully Others
In Mary’s blog there is a video of a girl getting bullied on Facebook by someone she doesn’t even know. I think that the post and should be an eyeopener to people and that they should stand up for themselves against the people who are bullying them. Mary goes on to say “I believe that if we all stand up against bullying we can make a difference.” I agree with her, because cyberbullying isn’t a joke, a lot of people are getting bullied online, and some can’t seem to handle all the derogatory remarks they are receiving so they commit suicide. It’s sad to know that people my age are getting harassed and are receiving hate for being themselves. I for one am against cyberbullying, because I know how it feels to be bullied online, and there really isn’t a nice way to put it other than that it sucks to be bullied. At the end of the video there is a quote saying “Stay strong and keep your head up.” We all could use a little boost by someone in order to have the courage to overcome bullying. There are a lot of ways to deal with bullying, and inflicting self harm on yourself isn’t an option. I think a person could over come cyberbullying by deactivating their social media account or reporting the person that is bullying them. Keep strong and sometimes ignoring a cyberbully would make them stop bullying you.
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